
Business introduction

    业务介绍     材料业务


We regenerate silicon wafers within discarded solar panels using laser-based technology. Through this, we realize sustainable and eco-friendly technologies.

Business model

Semiconductor Mateiral - Black Ceramic

* Test Analysis Agency : Korea Institute Of Ceramic Engineering And Technology

Characteristics Unit Data Test Analysis Methods Remark
Bulk Density g/㎤ 4.05 KS L ISO 18754
Absorption Rate % 0.017 KS L ISO 14705
Mechanical Characteristics Vickers Hardness HV 0.5 1,716 KS L ISO 14705
Flexural Strength MPa 344 KS L ISO 14704
Compressive Strength MPa 643 KS L 1601
Elastic Modulus GPa 307 ASTM E 494
Poisson's Ratio 0.259
Electrical Characteristics Dielectric Constant 1MHz or less 60.0 Instrumental Analysis
Surface Resistance Ω·cm 2 x E+07 ~ 8 x E+07 Instrumental Measurement 100V
Spectrometer Reflectance % SC1: (5.8) SC2: (6.2) Instrumental Measurement 380~780nm
Thermal Characteristics Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) 10-6 x 1/℃ 8.041(30℃↔500℃) ASTM E 831